Office (704) 888-2913
Fax (704) 888-2913
1110 West Main Street
Locust, North Carolina 28097
Below are the entrants of the 2007 Big Buck Contest. Congratulations to Randy Burris for his prize winning 131 Boone & Crockett point, 190 pound buck. Randy's picture is the top photo. If you click on the photos below, they will open in a new tab or new window with the full size image. If you have popups disabled, you will need to hold down your CTL key as you click the link.
The Big Buck Contest is an annual event at KEY's Gun Shop. The contest starts the beginning of Bow Season and runs through the end of the regular gun season. Don't miss out on the 2008 Big Buck Contest!
Archery Contest
22 Shootout
Turkey Contest